My name is Marcus van der Munnik (yes it's Dutch!), creator of Munnica, an indie dev company. On this site I'll share my progress and cool updates regarding my games and apps! Not that long ago, in June of last year to be precise I decided to start a career in indie game development. As long as I can remember I've always been fascinated by the world of video games, development and coding, but never had the audacity to actually start programming my own games and apps. I always thought it was a daunting task that required a skill set I wasn't familiar with. But, my ultimate goal is to eventually create a unique game that gamers love to play! So where do I start was my first question. Nowadays it's much easier to dive into the world of indie game development. As I started learning C#, the programming language used by Unity game engine, I came to find out that after some time I was doing and creating things on my own without having to look up tutorials every step of the way. This was a major (indie) game changer moment for me. I'm actually able to come up with an idea and work it out. Thanks to Unity I was able to get closer to my goal of making a game! I'm no expert, and I am still learning a lot in the process of indie game development, but I have a great time doing it! I'm convinced that in the end I'll be able to publish a game or two (or more) that gamers would really enjoy to play.
My passion for games dates back to 1987, the year we got our first Nintendo console. It came with Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, and I was hooked instantaneously! Ever since I played thousands of games on various consoles and PC, and I can honestly say that I have a pretty good indication of what makes a game fun to play, but I'm always open to feedback from the player, the most important person in game development.
I'm also planning to create educational material for like minded people to help them become a better indie game developer in the future. One of the main reasons is that I love to help people out (which I've done a few times already, and it was a great experience), and honestly, some things I've come across are very easy to implement but very poorly explained. But that's another project in the (nearby) future!
In addition, I'm learning Python3, the number 1 coding language in the world at the moment thanks to its easy learning curve and implementation. Creating apps and games has become a passion!
Enough about me, and hopefully you'll follow me on Twitter @munnica1, my main outlet when it comes to game/app development.
Stay tuned on this website for more indebt info regarding the projects I'm working on!
Keep on creating and playing!
- Marcus