Thursday, April 1, 2021

Project Mamba Mover devlog update!


A lot has happened since the last update! Overall, the project is coming along nicely. There are new additions and some game elements are removed for the sake of simplicity. The current state the game is in at the moment:

  • Added a score multiplier. The score multiplier counts up each time the frozen brick is eaten! Once the 'Freeze' bar fills up a frozen brick appears.
  • All fruits spawn at once! I had it so different fruits would spawn as the score progresses in the game, with a cherry being the lowest value, watermelon a little higher and so on. To make it more fun, and simpler I decided to get rid of this gameplay element and spawn all the fruits at once randomly on the game board.
  • Bonus is calculated differently. Once it's game over the player receives a total score which is calculated by the base score plus bonus (amount of fruits eaten multiplied by time in game, multiplied by the score multiplier). I found this to be the fairest so far, although I might adjust it a bit later.
  • Added an 'Options' screen, where to player can set the desired SoundFX and BGM levels in the game by means of a slider.
  • Added a '?' button, a little help screen where the player gets a brief tutorial on how to play the game as well as credits.
What needs to be done?

A lot still needs to be done in Mamba Mover. The most important thing would be the addition of a score table. After the player hits a wall or loses all their health, a score screen appears with the players final score and the ability to enter their name. 

This is definitely one of the important items on my 'wish list' in Unity3D, it's going to be challenging I have a feeling since I've never created something like that before, but it would be a VERY nice addition to the game and a great learning experience!


Furthermore, the graphics in game and UI need to be completely customized! Another challenge I'm willing to take on, I'm not a graphic designer, so I'd need someone to create these assets for me. If you are a GUI designer feel free to contact me!


When it comes to the actual gameplay there are a few kinks I want to work out still. I'm thinking about adding a powerup of some sort (it used to be there a awhile ago, but I removed it because I didn't like how it looked). I haven't figured out what kind of powerup would be cool to implement. It would basically give the player the ability to destroy the body blocks for a limited time.

Keep ppl posted on twitter!
